As per Dr. Maxwell Maltz it takes 21 days to form a habit. Our challenges are just what the doctor ordered. They are so designed that not only they enable you to get started but also encourage you to be consistent in your effort. You take a challenge & form a wellness habit in the process
Gamification is engaging. When Gamification is designed by psychologists it becomes more so. Our gamified challenges are designed with inputs taken from psychologists. The story doesn’t end here; post the challenge we provide insightful analytics which quantify the gamification in a way which makes sense to you.
Our holistic challenges engage with physical, mental & social wellness components. The habit-forming feature of our challenges ensure that participants start & sustain their physical wellness journey. While we don’t claim to address mental illness, an active body certainly enables mental wellness. The challenges are designed to address social wellness components like team-engagement, communication & adaptability.
Our challenges support rewards & recognition to the participants. Our leader boards are dynamic & convey the scores and/or the reward points in real-time. We also support organizations to link rewards to their CSR activities. Combining CSR activities to wellness initiatives is a win-win situation. It rewards employees in a way that is both meaningful and unique.
We have a range of challenges to suit all experiences and endurance levels. Our platform guides the users to help them challenges that are best suited for them. For organizations we customize challenges addressing their specific requirements. Moreover, the organizations get a quantified feedback on how the various attributes measured up post the event.