Running is one of the most accessible workout around. But it can get monotonous if the same pattern is repeated day in and day out. Runners look for different ways to keep the motivation going and make runs more interesting. Most of the runners add speed runs to the schedule, change scenery by adding different routes, follow race specific training program or listen to music while running to make runs interesting.

Running route art can be one such way to make runs interesting. Review the map of the running area and check if any interesting shape can be made by running particular route. Once the drawing is in mind, let the drawing drive the run. This will remove the routine-ness in the running.


Find it interesting? Here is how to get started:

Create an outline

Review the maps in the area and plan for the possible shape. Initially plan for simple shapes. Always consider the distance on the map and elevation profile of the route. The distance and elevation should be suitable for the type of run.


Run the route

Some people can remember the route in mind, some can take a print of the outline and go for the run. The route print can help in case of any confusion on the road. Always keep a track of distance and time for the entire route as well as for the route segments. It can provide feedback if you deviate from the planned route. The technology buffs amongst you can even try to create course on your GPS watch to guide you.


Explore new places and routes

Once you are comfortable with regular routes, explore routes in other areas of the city. This can make travel even more interesting. Each city or country can provide a different canvas for the painting. Some places have winding roads, some have the grid styled road network. Each style adds fun element to the paintings.


The running route art in the banner has been created from a route near Pune University.